I haven't been really responsible these past 2 months in school. My junior year I was that student that handed in everything on time and just had everything together. Now I always say "ill do it later" and then never do it. Recently report cards came out and I knew I could do so much better. I got used to my grades being 90 and above because of my junior year. I have decided to manage my time and not procrastinate. I started doing that this week. First, I finally started to wake up earlier for school. It's silly but I literally woke up so late everyday and only had 15 or 10 minutes to get ready. I can't ask my mom for a ride like I used to because her work schedule changed and she doesn't have time anymore. Also my bus comes earlier than usual which makes it worse. Secondly, I went to my guidance counselor to talk about changing Spanish 4 but there was a deadline for that, which I didn't know. Well since I couldn't I just decided to sign up for the seal of biliteracy so I can at least get something out of that class. I just know that'll be so helpful in the future.
I went to a field trip to a pre k which is something I thought I would ever do. For some reason kids just don't like me :-(. But I thought I would give it another chance, who knows I might actually enjoy it. I ended up liking it actually. The kids were so kind and respectful. We pretty much just played and ate for the 3 hours we were there. I would've added pictures of the trip but we weren't allowed to sadly. One thing that was scary though, the kids have a huge sandbox and have real rocks ( not a good idea ) in there and one of the kids threw a rock with full force that almost hit my head. So happy it didn't. I also found out this trip helped me get the 3 hours of community service that I needed. Its so relieving because I don't have to think about it for the rest of the year. I don't even have government yet so this trip was definitely worth almost getting hit with a rock.