Thursday, September 26, 2019

Future Things

My name is Katherin and i'm 17 years old. I'm going to be writing about my plans in the future. I recently decided i don't want to go straight to college once i graduate high school. I'm still going to college but i think its not the time for me yet. Ive realized that it isn't a race and we all go on different paces. I'm planning to just work for one year and then go to college to begin my career. I've been changing my mind on what career i actually want to do. Like every other normal junior you already know what career you want to do. I didn't think much about what career I wanted do. Not until when summer stared. First I decided that i wanted to be an eye doctor but after really thinking about it, its not for me. A little more about me, i'm really interested in animals. I currently have a dog, cat, and a ferret. I didn't own a ferret not so long ago but i've learned so much.

I've noticed how intelligent these small creatures are really are. During the summer I really wanted to learn more. Different animals require different things. For example, for my ferret I have to be very careful on what I feed him because his digestive system is completely different from any other animal. I also researched a few reptiles and the one that really got my attention were leopard geckos By research I mean is their habitat, diet, and their reaction to things. My point is that the career I finally decided that I wanted to do is an exotic animal veterinarian. I know its going to be a career that I actually will love doing and be in an environment that I feel comfortable with. 

1 comment:

free write

Ive been thinking a lot about the future. A few days ago it just hit me that high school is over and i’m going to be just working since i’m ...