Honestly Spotify wrapped is one of the few things I look forward to all year. Basically spotify gives you your top 5 artists and songs you've listened most all year. Dude I saw the Apple Music version and it was the ugliest thing I've ever saw. Spotify will always be #1 for me. Anyways my top genre ended up being rock. Its not really a surprise to me because I've always loved different types of rock. I even grew up listening to latin rock as a kid since my dad also loved rock. I was mostly into modern rock in middle school. It wasn't until 10th grade I started to listen to classic rock. I don't know but it really took me a while to really enjoy it. At that time I preferred to listen to rap like Brockhampton (2017-2018 when they were actually good lololol.) Until of late December of 2018 I gave classic rock another chance. Thats when I started to listen to The Beatles. LEGENDSSSSSS. I really enjoyed their music this year. Just getting into this genre made me want to listen to more. 146 new artists is a lot. Like i’ve never heard a songs by The Doors before. They were one of those that took me a while to really enjoy too. I won’t forget last year when i had Mr. Chamberlin he had a doors poster. It’s pretty cool because back then i didn’t know anything about them but now a year later they end up in my top artists lol. Which makes me wonder what other artists will I discover, will I enjoy another genre more than classic rock, will I find another artists that'll be my #1 next year? we'll see next year.
The music always influenced my style. I really just wore whatever I want. Pretty much since middle school I had that confidence. I had an emo phase 7th-8th grade. Tbh used to only wear black and some emo band tee. My favorite jeans were these hot topic jeans that were ripped and also had buckles on each rip. Pretty cool pants tbh i would wear them but they don’t fit me anymore smh. I remember getting stares but that shouldn't really matter honestly. If you feel comfortable wearing it then there shouldn't be a problem. 1 person that really caught my attention was George Harrison. That man really had style. and I really look up to him for that. 2019 was pretty life changing and hope 2020 will be even better.
I love Spotify because of this exact reason!